Phenomenon 32 page updated, and a question

I’ve updated the Phenomenon 32 page with a couple of new screenshots and a new feature list. (I always think feature lists for a work of art are kind of weird, but I guess there isn’t a good alternative right now.) I’m considering doing a bit of a “preview” post, …


Good progress on Phenomenon 32. Yesterday was frustratingly slow because of a pain in my right arm, but I’m very happy with what’s there. Currently I’m trying to complete the intro; then I’m going to start building the actual game world. It’s a great deal of fun, and the resulting …

In which there is a screenshot from testing

Progress on the new version of Phenomenon 32 is surprisingly fast, despite the occasional crash. I’ve already implemented several types of terrain, enemies, things to collect, a simple attack, anomalies, and hit points. And I like the minimalist look – it really does have something eerie. And it reminds me …

Crisis, Progress and Role-Playing

I’ve been in a bit of a crisis regarding Phenomenon 32. Even though at times I’ve been really satisified with it, now I felt that it was just too simplistic, and that it ought to be split up into two different games. I played around with Construct, creating a little …

All you people with your bloody expectations

You know what’s totally unfair? People who are expecting Phenomenon 32 to be really cool. Because every time I test it, I’m like “yes, it’s not bad, but if I had read all the stuff I posted, I’d be expecting a lot more.” And then I go and add more …

Things Are Moving Forward

As part of my push to move things forward in terms of my work, I have registered For now, it just leads here, but that will change as new projects are announced. I also got a couple of other domains, but there is still some kind of strange issue …

100 Days

The Center for Constitutional Rights has posted a detailed analysis of how Obama has done so far in terms of restoring the Constitution to its pre-Bush form and generally adhering to its principles. The first 100 days of the Obama administration presented a historic opportunity to restore the Constitution after …

Working with Chocolate Jesus

I’m working on Phenomenon 32 (still rebuilding the game world, making it a lot more complex) and listening to Tom Waits. What a master. He never ceases to amaze me. His music is uniquely powerful – there’s really nothing like it.

So what’s Jonas been up to?

After a bout of “real” work, I am now back at the task of finishing Phenomenon 32. After that, it’s back to editing and finishing The Great Machine: A Nightmare. After that, the novel. There’s also a few interesting side projects coming up, but nothing gigantic… I think. I’ll let …