Why are there no updates?

The Oscars. We had to stay up all night to watch them, and then we were tired for days and days. I’m making some fairly radical changes to the save system in Phenomenon 32 and generally having fun improving the game.

Things that are occuring

This is what is new or imporant today: Follow the Commentarium Twitter Feed to get our reactions to the Academy Awards live. Recently at Commentarium: Can Lost pull it together? Made some progress on Phenomenon 32. The new save system is almost ready. That’s it, really.


We are very pleased to announce that Commentarium.net, our new film & television website, is up and running. It’s going to be a great deal of fun – for more details about what kind of website we’re envisioning, you can read the first post, or you could skip straight ahead …

Not too depressed to work

If the last post sounded like I was depressed – well, I was. And I am seriously reconsidering some of my planned projects. As much as I love the idea of the internet as a space that promotes creative experiments… the reality of it unfortunately tends to be quite different. …

Failure is You! and other thoughts

I’d been looking forward to the release of RPGcat for some time now – it really makes me smile, and I wanted to share it with people. I thought it had real potential to become a webseries that people would follow and enjoy. The reality of it is quite different, …


A number of bugs have been reported in the version I uploaded. Some of them make sense and will be fixed by the new save/load system, while others are entirely insane. (Spawning in terrain? That shouldn’t be even remotely possible.) I’m wondering whether some of them aren’t simply due to …


I’m still not out of my nervous breakdown. In fact, my right hand has started twitching to the point where I can hardly type. Maybe I’ve been sitting at this computer trying to fix this game for too long. There’s one more thing I could try. I could try replacing …

I give up.

Seriously. I can only take so much. Now the save files go bad when the game crashes. I test this game for weeks and months and it’s always OK, and now it starts doing this. Now. Now that I want to release it. My every attempt to finish this game …

For the impatient…

This is not the official release – that’s a bit later today. But if you’re a dedicated fan who would like to play the game now and not in two hours… download it from here. (If it’s not working, wait for the alternate mirrors. These pages are slow.)


Yes, I’m still uploading. It’s very hard to find places that can host a 240MB file, and most of them are quite slow. I’ll also upload the file to this website, but if too many people download it, it will cause problems – so I need mirrors. If anyone has …