Does this sound tinny to you?

Testing, testing, testing. One out of two problems seems to be OK now, though all these errors are so unpredictable that I still feel quite paranoid. The crashing error, oddly enough, seems to occur only when I’m running the game from inside Construct. When I just run the .exe, it …

19th nervous breakdown

In trying to fix the crashing issue, I made some changes to how the game handles sound. Changes that logically should make it work better and possibly prevent crashes. Now everything’s gone to hell and the sound becomes tinny at random. I am confused, and have no idea what to …

Invasion of the Evil Bugs

I’ve managed to beat two newly cropped-up bugs back into the ground. There’s only a single obstacle left to releasing the game… again. I’ve asked for help in the Construct forums, and have a couple of possibilities I can still try out. But for now, I will take a break. …

bizarre bugs

OK, to give you an idea of the strange stuff I’m struggling with. In the game there’s a type of block that falls if you jump on it. Pretty standard platformer stuff, really. And it works fine. But then, when you load, all blocks of this type are suddenly 16 …

One More Update

OK, I’m giving up. Not on the game, just on finishing today. I don’t feel well enough physically. I shouldn’t have been so confident, but how could I know that all of these things would happen: complete destruction of glasses extreme stomach pains, probably due to the stress realization that …

Closer and closer

Woke up exhausted and too late, then had a minor crisis when my glasses fell apart again and I couldn’t find a piece. Now working. This might take a couple of hours. Will post again when I start uploading. Wish me luck…


When I said I was going to release Phenomenon 32 on the 15th, I did not say in which timezone I was thinking. If you thought Germany, you were wrong! I was actually thinking of the Oneiropolis timezone, and there it’s actually 11:63 on January the 14th. So I’m going …

Whoa, what happened to the updates, dude?

I’m still here. I’m trying to finish Phenomenon 32. All the voice recording is done. Lots of other stuff is done. But the work has been delayed by various pleasant and unpleasant things – meeting friends, hanging out with my mother, Verena being verbally assaulted by a lunatic from our …