Postpone that or face the pterosaur!

OK, OK, I have to postpone stuff again. By a little while. The article I’d been planning to publish today, as well as something much cooler (a cooking show!) will be posted tomorrow. YouTube predicts a five-hour upload time, and I’m simply too tired to keep writing about narrative as …

Notes from Inside a Duck

These bullet points were found inside a hollowed-out duck in orbit around Ganymede: The Book of Living Magic is featured in PC Gamer’s This week’s best free PC games. I suspect the word “prosaic” is unintentionally misused here (niggle niggle pedant bunny), but otherwise the review makes me very happy. …

I love the smell of WordPress in the morning

Everything’s back to normal! Well, not exactly, but the site has moved to a shiny new server, so yay. The not-quite-normal part is that I had two of my wisdom teeth removed on Friday, and can now barely function. (Today is my fifth day of eating nothing but semi-liquid mush. …

Watch out, a man made of nipples!

He’s behind you! No, wait. Ah. Damn. I thought it was a man made of nipples, but of course it’s not. What a stupid idea. I don’t know how I could think such a thing. It’s clearly a rabbit made of cactuses. If you’ve been tearing at your hair, flogging …

I Was There For A Moment

It’s always a little strange to come back from Greece, though nowhere near as strange as going there in the first place. This time my usual feelings of displacement when returning to Germany were somewhat overshadowed by the odd experience of coming out of the airplane almost deaf (having a …

Should write something clever here

So, yeah, I”m totally sick. I’ve been looking forward to being back home for ages and now I’m spending half my time coughing up slime and the other half just coughing. And the food is really great, but I have no sense of taste. Bah. I did manage to get …

Hello all

We’re in Greece, and alive. Unfortunately I can’t remember half  my passwords, and can only post updates from the internet cafe, so I currently cannot say thank you for many of the kind birthday wishes that were sent my way. I will do so when we’re back in Germany! Work …

Double Whammy!

Less than a week before going to Greece for my birthday, I have an infected wisdom tooth. And the nerve inside the tooth is infected as well. I’ve just spent an entire evening having holes drilled into me, but it hurt so much they couldn’t even kill the nerve endings. …

Absolutely Thrilling

“Absolutely thrilling” is what Condoleeza Rice thinks what Barack Obama’s achievement of having had Osama bin Laden murdered is. Now, don’t get me wrong: Osama bin Laden was a criminal. He deserved to be arrested and tried for crimes against humanity. He deserved to rot in prison for the rest …