O for a voice like thunder…

Thinking about all the wars this planet is currently drowning in led me to search out one of the best musical adaptations of a Blake poem I have ever heard: “Lullaby” by Loreena McKennitt. The perfect reading is by Douglas Campbell, who unfortunately died recently. Blake would be proud. The …

Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize (for War Criminals)

I always knew the Nobel Peace Prize was a joke. But Obama. OBAMA? Obama who is continuing the occupation of Iraq? Obama who has intensified the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan? Obama, whose orders have already killed hundreds of civilians, if not more? Obama who would not prosecute people who …

Feminists and Fascists

I’ve always held that feminism, as a political and academic direction (rather than simply the defense of human rights), is backwards and conservative. And who should it be than so-called feminists who are now in one boat with the extreme right-wing, jointly hunting down their new favourite toy: Roman Polanski. …

Welcome to Blah Country

Today has been a blah sort of day. The weather is shitty, the work went OK but not great, my stomach felt grumbly, and I have a headache. What passes for summer these days is gone, and we’re back to the kind of weather that makes me utterly desperate to …

Is Capitalism A Sin?

This just went out over Michael Moore’s mailing list. If you consider yourself a Christian, read it: For Those of You on Your Way to Church This Morning …a note from Michael Moore Sunday, October 4th, 2009 Friends, I’d like to have a word with those of you who call …


I haven’t been very happy with most of the film-related articles on the World Socialist Web Site, but their appraisal of the arrest of Roman Polanski is the best I have read so far, covering the actual facts and motivations behind it in detail. Definitely worth reading. They’ve also put …

Germany: VOTE LEFT

Once more – if you’re in Germany, get out there and vote. You know the CDU and FDP and NPD and Republikaner mainly stand for Evil, but also remember what the SPD and the Greens stand for. My friend Julian posted a partial list: War against Yugoslavia War in Afghanistan …

Wer hat uns verraten?

I’ve posted this before, and I’ll probably post it again, but with the coming elections here in Germany this is an important reminder of what the SPD (the Social Democrat Party) actually stands for. It was the SPD and the Greens that went to war against Kosovo, a war as …

September 19th: A Day of Faith

Ahoy, me hearties! In honour o’ this holy day, let us all keep the one true God in our minds, and pray for world peace, socialism and delicious noodly booty for all. Arrrrrr! Let us fly the Jolly Roger and send them capitalist scallywags to Davy Jones’s locker, and let …

9/11, or How Urizen Plays His Game

So, it’s been eight years since a group of misguided lunatics killed themselves and a lot of innocent people to punish the United States of America for its crimes in the Middle East. The crimes, of course, were and are completely real and terrible; the idiotic irony that the hijackers …