Privileged Despair

A couple of days ago, Wikiquote’s Quote of the Day came from celebrated idiot Eugene Ionesco: I believe that what separates us all from one another is simply society itself, or, if you like, politics. This is what raises barriers between men, this is what creates misunderstanding. If I may …


36 years ago, the fascists came to kill those who stood up for freedom and democracy. But for all their violence, they couldn’t kill the idea of freedom. This is what Greek people celebrate on the 17th of November. Today, it’s starting to become acceptable to excuse the crimes of …


Today is the feast-day of Saint John Chrysostom, one of the most despicable figures history has ever produced, and leader of the mob of idiots that destroyed the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. As much as I admire the stories and …

Veterans Day

If you want to show your support for veterans, instead of making some jingoistic proclamation about soldiers fighting for your security, why don’t you donate some money to these people: Iraq Veterans Against the War They know what they’re talking about.

I Heart Keith, and other news

Not much to say. Verena, who was a little sick, is feeling better. I’m still gettting annoying headaches, apparently because of my neck – I spend too much time sitting at the computer and working on Phenomenon 32.  I’d like to tell you some cool stuff about all the progress …

20 Years Ago Today…

…the Berlin Wall fell, and the bureaucrats in power became the capitalists in power. Stalinism was replaced by capitalism, political oppression became economic depression. An evil system took the place of a perverted one, like a fallen angel handing the keys to Satan. And we’re supposed to pretend that this …

BoingBoing and Propaganda

I don’t read BoingBoing regularly, but Verena does, and she usually points out the interesting stuff to me. Today, while looking through headlines, she found one that sounded really nasty: Police in Venezuela are rounding up gay/lesbian/bi/trans folk into vans and hauling them to jail by the dozens, according to …

So when are we going to call persecution by its name?

The FBI has once again proven its dedication to democracy and human rights, this time by engaging in one of the favourite hobbies of the intelligence community: killing Muslims. Preferably poor ones. Abdullah, 53, was shot 18 times by an FBI “counterterrorism” squad in a warehouse in the suburb of …

Support the Goldstone Report!

This newsletter-type-thing just came in from Jewish Voice for Peace: Dear Jonas, Frankly, I’ve had enough of the lies and distortions surrounding the UN Goldstone Report. I’ve had enough of the maneuvering by Israel, the US, and other countries in order to dismiss the report and its authors and bury …

(Un)Dead Art

I’ve been looking through literary magazines lately. Why, an intelligent reader might ask, would you want to do that? Why would you want to burden your already tired brain with the idiotic pretension and self-congratulatory pseudo-originality, the Lacan-worship and intellectual stagnation of these warty outgrowths of an artistic elite that …