Something To Think About

I’ll have some proper updates for you tomorrow – a list of what I’m working on as well as a new Compendium entry. I’ve been working very hard this week, but several projects should soon be finished. Until then, here’s a video I would like you to watch. I know …

My 2011

2011 was a strange year. I can’t tell if it went really quickly or really slowly. It certainly had a lot of ups and downs. I started out the year wildly optimistic, amazed by the relative success of The Infinite Ocean and the possibility that I could survive by making …

Fall down. Get up again.

It’s been a bit slower than usual around here. The reason for that is that I’ve been struggling to keep going emotionally. I tend not to mention most of the stuff that goes on in my life, because I hate whining and trying to get everyone’s attention, but there’s been …

They’ll be dead, in other words: Christopher Hitchens

I was going to write a long, detailed post about Christopher Hitchens, a person of some intelligence who used his skills for the most detestable of purposes and who is now being hailed as a great man by entirely too many supposed progressives. Conveniently forgotten or dismissed as “just a …

Modern Greeceā€™s real problem? You, dear sir.

Last month, the Washington Post published an article entitled “Modern Greece’s real problem? Ancient Greece.” by one George Zarkadakis, who unlike most Greeks is rich enough to divide his time between Athens and London. It begins like this: Greece is the cradle of democracy, but, as the world saw this …

Bandwidth, Gnomes, Money and Fame

I was going to put up the new Oneiropolis Compendium entry today, but the bandwidth on our mobile internet stick has run out and it has now switched to slow-as-a-drunk-donkey mode. Very convenient, especially for uploading Traitor. Ah well. Didn’t get much done today anyway, but sometimes you’ve got to …

The Inevitability of Getting Ripped Off

I’m getting really tired of getting ripped off all the time. You work hard, you make money, you try to accomplish something for yourself and the world, but you’re faced with a corporation-dominated world in which your every cent is squeezed out of you in the name of profit. We’ve …

Flawed By Design

Gregory Weir’s Looming is probably my favourite of all his games. Highly atmospheric and extremely well-written, it tells the story of a strange world called Looming through what is essentially archaeological exploration. It’s a haunting and extremely memorable game; there’s nothing quite like it, really. And at some point it …


I’m having one hell of a back problem. The last two nights, getting out of bed took me fifteen minutes. I can’t look up and have to keep my head at a weird angle all the time. I can’t bend down, either. The pain and the difficulty of moving are …

Forgotten memories

In order to prepare for writing the children’s book I’m currenly working on, I asked my parents to give me a bunch of the books I read as a child. Seeing them again was a strange experience, because I don’t really remember them – and yet I do. Clearly some …