Nine Years

In August I will have been in Germany for nine years now. Nine years. Nine years! Niiiiine! Years! Seriously, though. Nine years. What the hell. I did not come to Germany intending to stay. It was the easiest place to go, since I couldn’t remain in Greece (because the Greek …

Processing Feedback

Making art is a strange business, and making games doubly so, because they combine so many different elements and vary so radically in form. Sharing your work with others before you release it can be very useful – but it can also be disheartening and disorienting. Processing feedback, especially when …

Games, Art and Michael Stipe Laughing

There is a tendency in game designers (the very word designer implies it, I suppose), to think of games in an entirely mechanical way: as a set of parts, programmed to perform a certain task, with the purpose of the designer being to make them as efficient as possible at …

Talking about Tracy

Some things just define you; the music you listen to as a child is often one of them. For me, anyway. Maybe I was luckier than some – thanks to my parents, I was exposed to a large variety of truly great songs as a child. This wasn’t really intentional; …


I wish I was in Greece right now, in the streets, fighting with the rest of the population for the return of democracy. I can’t, because the moment I entered the country I would be drafted by the military, but I desperately wish that I could be there. You see, …

Pastoral thoughts

There’s a really good review of Arcadia: A Pastoral Tale over at Jay is Games. There’s also a brief mention of the game at a place called Superlevel, which warns readers that some of them might find the game “too kitschy”. That set me thinking about a couple of things, …

SOPA/PIPA and the Future of Censorship

A great many sites are blacked out today to protest PIPA and SOPA, two pieces of legislation that would destroy the internet as we know it. I think opposition is absolutely the correct response; the internet is the perhaps the most significant invention since… well, since the computer itself, and …

Memories of Monte Cassino

When I wrote yesterday that today I would be posting about future projects and all that, I had forgotten something: today was Verena’s grandfather’s 89th birthday, and we were supposed to go visit him and his wife. And we did, which means that I have gotten no work done at …