Kill the Greeks

You turn on the radio, you get racist jokes about Greeks. You go to a newspaper stand, half the newspapers and magazines are telling you that the Greeks are greedy, lazy bastards who are destroying Europe. It’s everywhere. The Greeks are so rich and pretending they’re poor. They are all …

The Greek Situation

And now for a change of subject. I’ve written an article about the situation in Greece for Enemies of Reason. It’s called, with breathtaking originality, The Greek Situation. It doesn’t cover everything, because that would be impossible, but I hope it will make some people think differently about what they’re …

Not The Real Deal

I’ve been reading a fair bit of academic material in preparation for a long and detailed Commentarium article on Avatar, and while reading about The Vanishing American I suddenly realized something: the recent ranting in the German media (particularly Focus magazine) about how “the modern Greeks are not real Greeks, …

Martin Luther King Day

I have written several times about Martin Luther King, and if I only write a short post I will repeat myself, so here’s a link to what I wrote a while ago. It’s still true. And then, dedicated to one of my favourite readers and a remarkable young fascist, one …

When the conspiracy stares you in the face…

I don’t have time to write much, but the WSWS has a simple and useful list of points about the failed terrorist attack aboard Northwest Flight 253: Among the facts now known are the following: • Abdulmutallab’s father, a prominent retired banker and ex-government minister, had visited the US Embassy …

The Swiss Minarets

Swiss population: 7,739,100 Muslims in Switzerland: 4.3% Mosques: 150 Minarets: 4 And over this they passed their fascist anti-minaret law. But they have to preserve their Lebensraum, right? All those filthy foreigners destroying their pure Aryan culture… maybe they need to start learning from Bush and Obama, start building some …


I wanted to write something about Obama’s new escalation of the war in Afghanistan/Pakistan, but Cindy Sheehan said it pretty well: 30,000 Wrongs Won’t Make it Right By Cindy Sheehan I have had to reluctantly watch many presidential speeches since my son was killed in Iraq in 2004. I was …

Privileged Despair

A couple of days ago, Wikiquote’s Quote of the Day came from celebrated idiot Eugene Ionesco: I believe that what separates us all from one another is simply society itself, or, if you like, politics. This is what raises barriers between men, this is what creates misunderstanding. If I may …


36 years ago, the fascists came to kill those who stood up for freedom and democracy. But for all their violence, they couldn’t kill the idea of freedom. This is what Greek people celebrate on the 17th of November. Today, it’s starting to become acceptable to excuse the crimes of …