We’re almost there…

It would appear Phenomenon 32 has one last problem, though it’s a rare one. On some people’s computers (and this is likely to be hardware-specific), in some levels the player’s ship falls through the ground in the first few milliseconds of loading. So most of you can play the game without issues, but I’m working on one last patch. And then I will really promote the game, and ask for your help in doing so.

And again, let me say thanks to everyone for their feedback. Testing games is incredibly hard when you don’t have the resources. Even though I tested Phenomenon 32 on several computers, these issues still slipped through, and I wouldn’t have been able to fix them without your help.

In completely different news, the short story I’ve been submitting has been rejected yet again, and I’m once more on the hunt for a good venue for it. It’s tricky and frustrating, because it’s really a good story, and I’d love to get it out there, but its mixture of elements seems to be just wrong for most magazines/journals.

Edit: Another bug was just reported, which potentially makes the game unfinishable. Thankfully, I’ve already figured out what was going on, an a patch is on the way.

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