Le Update

I’ve updated the site’s theme, and I’m very happy with the new look. It’s not entirely done, of course; lots of little changes are still going to happen, and some of the content will get a complete overhaul. All in all, though, I’m quite pleased.

Good news, everyone! Just when I had completely given up on Alphaland finding a sponsor, the whole thing suddenly turned around. (I kind of feel that the Flash market is in a weird state right now, and that some of the old approaches aren’t quite working anymore.)

My finger is doing much better, and Verena is not sick anymore. She will begin updating her site again tomorrow, and we’re working on getting Commentarium back on track.

The Book of Living Magic will be finished soon. As will the non-game project I’ve been working on with Ivo Shmilev (who voiced Dr. Georgiev in Phenomenon 32 and is a very good friend).

The deluge of emails I’ve received has almost been dealt with. If you haven’t gotten an answer from me by Monday or Tuesday, please email me again. It’s really been quite mad.

There are many other things to write about, and I hope to get to them soon.

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