You Shall Know The Truth at Newgrounds

You Shall Know The Truth can now be played at Newgrounds. I’m too exhausted from working, being slightly sick, and having spent last night watching the Oscars, so I won’t tell you all that stuff about how it’s so important for you to support the game by telling others about it and giving it positive ratings. Oh wait, I think just did.

Seriously, though – it is much harder for projects like Wikileaks Stories to get attention and publicity in the indie scene (the mainstream media are more interested, which is utterly bizarre), so if you think there is room for more than Pirate Ninja Geek Two: Attack of the Zombie Kittens and Your Grandmother Is Depressing, please do help us in getting the word out there. Not just about this game, but about all the games that try to push the boundaries, question what we’re told, and remind people that art is supposed to have teeth.

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