bizarre bugs

OK, to give you an idea of the strange stuff I’m struggling with. In the game there’s a type of block that falls if you jump on it. Pretty standard platformer stuff, really. And it works fine.

But then, when you load, all blocks of this type are suddenly 16 pixels further up than before. WTF?

Now, this is almost certainly a bug in Construct – it has a few really odd ones. But I have to decide what to do about it. Keep this oddness in the game? Write different code for making the blocks fall? Make the blocks transform into cheese instead? (I’m writing new code now.)

Another bug that has just shown up – after Cat knows how many hours of playing the game without any problems – involves random crashes when going from one screen to the other. They are rare, but they happen, and they make no sense at all. So what the hell do I do? There is no discernible pattern. Hope they’re rare enough not to matter? Wait even longer before releasing the game?

We’ll see.

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